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Wood Products
Wood Products Facilities Located Close to Major End Markets

1 | Capacity as of December 31, 2022; Capacity represents the proven annual production capabilities of the facility under normal operating conditions and producing a normal product mix. Excludes overtime.
2 | A project to modernize and expand the sawmill by 85 MMBF to 275 MMBF was announced June 2022. The project is expected to be completed in 2024.
Our Wood Products Capacity is Growing with Acquisitions and Productivity Improvements
PCH Lumber Volumes are Growing

1 | Shipping during 2022 was impacted by a fire at our Ola, Arkansas sawmill in June 2021. 2022 shipments are pro forma to include an estimate of our Ola, Arkansas sawmill’s shipments had the fire not occurred in June 2021.
Waldo Sawmill Modernization IRR Estimated to be 22% in Base Case

Continuous Capital Investments Meet Hurdle Rates, Improve Productivity, Lower Costs, and Reduce Environmental Impact

North American Lumber Supply
Lumber Production by Region
Canadian Share of U.S. Market

1 | Source: FEA.
Lumber Production Shifting to the U.S. South

Annual Change in Lumber Production 2018-2022

1 | Source: FEA.
We are Relentlessly Focused on Continuously Improving our Environmental Performance

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